Saturday, May 10, 2008

Poll: Do You Notice Advertisements?

I was reading the newspaper earlier this morning and while doing that, someone pointed out a huge ad on the same page that took a third of the page's space. I asked myself, "how in the world did I miss that?" Then I realised that I don't really notice nor do I care about ads, be it on the newspaper or blogs but then I put up adverts on my blogs. It made me think, how well do ads work? And how many really attract the eyes of readers? Don't get me wrong, some ads catch my eyes but only the good ones.

So I thought, for the sake of a simple research, I'd put up a universal poll on all my blogs and ask you guys to vote if you notice them at all. So where ever you are reading this post from, your vote will count on my other blogs. Thanks for voting!

Comments below as usual.

Do you read advertisements on newpapers and blogs?
What adverts?
Free polls from

1 comment:

levlie said...

Aku usually baca advert when like, ada bini-bini or lelaki hot kana tampal-tampal. Not about durang hot pulang (..ish) but imagine an advert yang boring and simple, siapa kan membaca? Like if you put a figure on your advert, ada macam this thing that disrupts the neat box. Geddit kah. Entah, aku inda pandai explain. Pokoknya it's all about the design to attract attention so that people will ACTUALLY draw their eyes on these adverts.
